City of Atlanta Code Enforcement Academy

Councilmember Sheperd, who chairs the Code Enforcement Commission and Sub-Committee wants to share with you the Flyer introducing the newly formed Code Enforcement Academy. The Academy will take place  in five sessions occurring every other week beginning March 16, 2019 and ending May, 11, 2019.  Participants will receive certificates at a graduation ceremony at the City of Atlanta.  Applications are open to all Atlanta Citizens. Councilmember is encouraging all  NPU Leaders to share this information with your community members. Our application committee will select from a cross section of the city bas there are only 50 slots open for our first class. We are hoping you have one or two person in mind to recommend for the inaugural class. If so please share the attached application with them. We will have a second session in the Fall 2019 and beginning in 2020 the Academy will have three sessions per year.

Purpose:  Implementation of a code enforcement training academy to empower City of Atlanta residents with knowledge surrounding code enforcement and the law through various departments.    “The City of Atlanta  Code Enforcement Academy”  program will provide participants with knowledge of core job functions through classroom instruction and  educate members of the community on organizational structure, premise violations, substandard structures, 3-1-1 overview and community partnerships.

For questions please call 404-546-4982 or email

Code Academy application

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