My name is Jamal Jackson, and I am the Public Information Officer working for the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management and will be responsible for communicating with the residents of the Mechanicville & Summer Hill communities, as it relates to the upcoming road maintenance permeable pavers project in this district.
The Department of Watershed Management has contracted crews to conduct the scheduled quarterly street sweeping maintenance of the permeable paver project. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, December 14, 2020, and continue through Wednesday, December 16, 2020 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The sweepers will move through Zone 1, 2, and 3 in the order they are listed below.
Streets include:
- Zone 1 – Atlanta Avenue, Martin Street SE, Hill Street SE, Haygood Avenue, Tuskegee Street SE, Grant Terrace SE, Boynton Avenue SE, Kendrick Avenue SE, South Avenue SE
- Zone 2 – Fulton Way, Crumley Street SE, Fraser Street SE, Richardson Street SE, Richmond Street SE, Connally Street SE
- Zone 3 – Garibaldi Street SW (N & S of Abernathy Blvd), Formwalt Street SW (North & South of Abernathy Boulevard), Windsor Street SW
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the number listed below.
Jamal Jackson
Project Information Officer
Lewis Contracting
457 Flat Shoals Ave SE, Atlanta. GA 30316