Dear Community Leader:
The Collaborative Firm is conducting community outreach to discuss transit station renaming on behalf of MARTA. I am reaching out to you because your neighborhood transit station is on the list for consideration. MARTA leadership is eager to gather community input regarding station renaming through a series of community meetings that would include your neighborhood organization membership and various other groups located near the transit stations identified.
I have listed below the transit stations included in the MARTA Station Renaming Project. These stations were identified because of the changes in the surrounding communities such as new facilities or landmarks. Our goal, on behalf of MARTA, is to engage community members who have ideas about renaming their neighborhood transit stations. To that end, we will gather information by sharing a presentation detailing the process for renaming consideration and interactive activities that will encourage community input. We will then provide MARTA with a summary of the findings for their review and use.
Identified MARTA Stations for Renaming
- Ashby Transit Station
- Bankhead Transit Station
- Dome/GWCC/Philips Arena/CNN Center Transit Station
- Civic Center Transit Station
- Lakewood-Fort McPherson Station
More information can be found here: MartaRenaming_InviteFinal_Dome