The headwaters of Intrenchment Creek as near Turner Field, and most of NPU-V lives in, or is impacted by, what happens in the Intrenchment Creek Watershed. Concerned about clean, safe, and accessible water? Annoyed by all of the boiled water advisories? Frustrated with permeable paver maintenance? There is opportunity to have your voices be heard!
Please join the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management and our community partners at our upcoming Stormwater Roadshow Open House for Intrenchment, Sugar, & Doolittle Creeks.
The Department and several partners will host 8 Open Houses, each targeting a specific watershed. However, citizens from anywhere in Atlanta are welcome to attend any meeting, regardless of event location or where they live.
The purpose of this and future Roadshow events is to engage the residents, organizations, and businesses in each of Atlanta’s 10 watersheds. The program will focus on listening to the community to learn how the Department has succeeded, gather information about recurring stormwater issues, and gather feedback about current and future projects, and the Department’s planning processes. Each session will also include educational materials.
When: Tuesday, August 20, 2019; 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Coan Park Recreation Center – 1530 Woodbine Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30317