Non-Registered (Remain in car at all times with windows up until otherwise directed)
1. If you do not have internet access or need assistance proceed to red tent
2. Register online at (remain in your car in line)
3. Schedule your immediate Telehealth Visit (needed for test approval)
4. Show ID to SMC Employee and follow directives at white tent
Registered Patients (Remain in car at all times with windows up until otherwise directed)
1. Keep window up
2. Upon arrival show ID and approval code through vehicle window
3. Proceed to testing station
4. Show ID to SMC Employee and follow directives
Thank you for visiting our Drive-Through COVID:19 Testing Site. Your Provider will contact you in most cases within 24 hours with your COVID-19 test results and plan of care.
You are able to go home for self-isolation and monitoring while waiting for the test results. You should follow the prevention steps on the back side of this card until a doctor says you can return to normal activities.
If you develop any symptoms of COVID-19 in the interim, including fever, cough, shortness of breath or body aches, please contact us for a Telemedicine appointment.
Call 404-688-1350 or Visit