Title of production: Bad Boys 3
Production company name: Garden Films Productions, LLC
Production type: Feature
Production Short synopsis: 3rd installment of “Bad Boys” franchise
Location Name: C&L Used Auto Company, 570 Glenn St SW, Atlanta, GA 30312
Prep Start: 01/22/2019 07:00 AM
Shoot start: 01/29/2019 05:00 AM
Shoot end: 02/01/2019 11:30 PM
Strike end: 02/06/2019 07:00 PM
Dear Neighbor,
Garden Films Productions, LLC will be filming from Tuesday, January 29th until Friday, February 1st (from approximately 7:00 am until 7:00 pm, but going later in the evening on Friday) at C&L Used Auto Company, 570 Glenn St SW, Atlanta, GA 30312. Prep work will take place from Tuesday, January 22nd until Monday, January 28th. We will strike at this location from Monday, February 4th until Wednesday, February 6th.
In order to complete our work in a timely manner, we are working with the City of Atlanta to have our essential support trucks parked nearby. Our permit request is as follows:
- 500 feet on the South side of Glenn St SW, between Humphries St SW and Metropolitan Pkwy SW (12a, 1/25 until 11:59p, 2/5)
Please note: in addition to our lane closure, the scenes being filmed will also involve simulated gunfire. With such, there will be popping sounds heard nearby but there is no reason to be alarmed. We are sensitive to the impact that filming can have on the daily operations of a business district. Our production staff and off-duty APD officers will be on duty during our time here to ensure safety and the successful flow of traffic through the area. We will also work to minimize the inconveniences to those nearby.
On behalf of Garden Films Productions, LLC, we thank you for your patience and cooperation; it is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach us at the production office at (404) 996-0616.
Kyle Hinshaw (Location Manager), (404) 788-9412 cell
Paul Kobetz (Assistant Location Manager), (225) 252-1852 cell
Supporting Documents:
TCP ATLFIL000663-detailed-notification Lane closure form Notification letter Permit-ATLFIL000663-2019-01-23-v1.pdf