Fulton County Library System has hired Greenway Strategy Group to facilitate the making of a strategic plan. The group has scheduled community conversations for each branch. We are inviting local constituents to join the Mechanicsville conversation via Zoom on December 8th, 2:00-3:30 pm. The discussion will center on this question: How can this library support the community’s suggestions?
Help us shape the Fulton County Library System’s next strategic plan!
Step 1: Participate in our Thought Exchange and share your ideas for what would make your community a thriving one where people connect, learn, and create. Scan the code below or use the link to join.
Click here to participate via your browser: https://tejoin.com/scroll/137273843
Or use the QR code to participate on your phone:
Step 2: Join us for a virtual community conversation on December 8th 2:00-3:30pm and share your ideas about how the library can support a thriving community. Please register for the community conversation using the link below to receive the meeting invitation.