NPU-V & Mechanicsville Neighborhood | Updates & Announcements from State Representative Stacey Evans

Hello Mechanicsville Community Leaders,

On behalf of State Representative Stacey Evans, please review the legislative updates related to your neighborhood and announcements to share with the community.  Please continue to keep me updated if there are specific concerns that we can address to ensure all residents’ voices are heard and represented.

Below, are transportation updates from Rep. Evans regarding street safety in the community as it relates to neighborhood streets.  Also attached is a flyer for a Town Hall meeting being held this Wednesday evening at 7:30PM with Representative Evans and State Senator Sonya Halpern.  Please be sure to share this with your neighborhood.  Thanks so much!

A.  Transportation Updates:

Rep. Evans held a meeting on Friday, January 22 regarding the Department of Transportation which addressed several concerns as requested for Mechanicsville:

(1) There is a discussion underway about installing a ROUNDABOUT at Metropolitan Pkwy & RDA (PI 0016390).  Help me to understand more about the plan and the progress/expected timeline/etc. 

  • Yes, this is underway and is in scoping /concept approval stage
  • Project is not yet funded
  • Part of scoping is environmental study stage, that is happening now
  • Scoping also includes utility and right of way acquisition
  • Probably a 3–4-year schedule after scoping stage is complete

(2) SPEED BUMPS are needed Ralph David Abernathy (varied cross street info) 

  • Can’t put speed bumps on state routes because they are made for transport and the speeds are not conducive to speed bumps being effective
  • Working on other ways to reduce speed – potentially lane reductions; GDOT has this road on its upcoming long-term study list

(3) A LEFT TURN SIGNAL is needed when turning onto Ralph David Abernathy from Cascade Avenue 

  • If a left turn signal is put in this location, it creates a conflict because of other lanes and signals at that intersection
  • GDOT is working with City (required to because Cascade Avenue is a city road) to work toward creating a dedicated left turn lane, which would then allow the use of a left turn signal

(4) I-20 ON/OFF RAMP at Windsor Street – is there anything that can be done to make the area safer for pedestrians and bikers? 

  • There are areas for improvement here and they appreciate us pointing out the problems
  • They will begin a study on this area
  • They are pulling pedestrian crash data
  • Will work on ADA compliance issues and other engineering to make better for bikes and pedestrians
  • Will also work on adding more street signs
  • Allow the department approximately 30-60 days to conduct a study and then will work on recommended improvements

B.  Town Hall details:

WEDNESDAY, Feb 3, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please register in advance for this meeting:–uqj4sGtXWCBW8FCe4V0FNxx2aLDo9

Once registered, login credentials will be sent via confirmation email.

Sasha Williams
Director of Constituent Services

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